Techny Arborvitae - All Questions

Techny Arborvitae
Techny Arborvitae
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How well do Techny Arbrovitae handle drying winds? I am zone 4, but am on sort of a ridge with no protection that gets significant wind.
Question by: Luke De Jong on Apr 8, 2021, 9:37 AM
Evergreens remain green because they never go entirely dormant. Because of this, they require sufficient water throughout the entire year. In late autumn, it is important to provide a very deep, long watering of evergreens. The water will form an ice ball which encases the roots. During the freeze/thaw cycle throughout winter, the tree will receive water as the ice ball melts. Evergreens, including Arborvitae are susceptible to winter burn in the colder zones. Although the deep watering in late autumn is not a guarantee that an evergreen will not experience winter burn, it is certainly a necessary process to increase success rate through winter.
Answer by: Chief River Nursery on Apr 9, 2021, 4:01 PM

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