Our Guarantee
Prior to shipping, all plants are inspected on-site by the Wisconsin Department of Agriculture to ensure they are disease and pest free. Live plants require proper handling and follow up care to flourish. Without proper care and handling, your survival rates will be low. Click here for an expanded version of our Planting Guide.
What We Cover
- Incorrect or damaged nursery stock (must be reported upon receipt)
- Trees or shrubs that do not break dormancy by June 30th (must be reported by June 30th of the planting year, no exceptions)
What We Do Not Cover
- Failures from not planting your trees in a timely fashion
- Planting outside of the recommendations in our Planting Guide
- Incorrect site selection
- Improper supplemental watering
- Damage and/or loss from extreme weather events
- Damage and/or loss from insects, rabbits, deer, or any other pests
- Plants that are potted and not planted into the ground
How To File a Claim
- Contact us by June 30th of the planting year, in one of the following ways:
- By email at info@chiefrivernursery.com
- By telephone at 262-377-5330
- By mail to Chief River Nursery, 976 Ulao Road, Grafton, WI 53024
If A Claim Is Approved
- A one-time credit for future use (based on our sole discretion) will be given equal to the value of the lost nursery stock
- Credit must be redeemed the following season
Rev. 8/17